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Call for volunteers! After 2 years of COVID cancellations, it’s time to bring the Ottershaw Mayfair back to life on the next May bank holiday - 2nd May 2022!

At least two additional volunteers are required to make this happen. Apart from the event day itself, the busiest time is between January and March with the contacting and booking of stallholders and entertainments. If you can help, contact

The Mayfair is Ottershaws main village event, held annually on the 1st May bank holiday at the Ottershaw Memorial Fields in Foxhills Road.

Residents from the village and beyond come to enjoy the great atmosphere and support many local sports clubs and organisations and charities, who run stalls to raise funds. The kids can enjoy the games stalls, archery, inflatables, rides and Punch and Judy shows, and the adults can enjoy a glass or two at the excellent bar and with a great selection of food stalls to cater to any tastes.

The funds raised from the entry fees are distributed to local clubs, charities and organisations. Some of those who have benefited in the past are The Ottershaw Village Hall, Ottershaw Scouts, Ottershaw Cricket Club, Christ Church Ottershaw and many others!

Let’s make it happen again!


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